Our Services

Many people recognize that it is difficult for a domestic violence victim/survivor to leave their abuser. Some understand that the risk of physical violence or death increases at the time of separation or divorce; however, most do not realize that protracted litigation proceedings are considered a form of domestic violence. In fact, ongoing, never-ending litigation between an abuser and their victim/survivor is a legal form of domestic violence. It places the victim in a position with limited choices of leaving the abusive relationship, even though they are physically unavailable to their abuser. This form of abuse is even more devastating than physical violence because of the power and control the abuser maintains over the victim/survivor. Yet very few experts or legal practitioners understand, empathize with, or know how to deal with this form of domestic violence. Dr. Donna King, Esq. has personal experience with and formal education in this unique form of domestic violence and is available to assist and represent in cases where her expertise is needed most.

Legal Representation

Dr. Donna King, Esq. is available for direct legal services for representation of clients who have experienced domestic violence, also understood, in varying forms, as intimate partner violence or coercive control. As an attorney, Dr. King will aggressively advocate for your rights. Your family is important to you. It will also be important to Dr. King.

Expert Witness

Dr. Donna King, Esq. is available to serve as an expert witness on cases involving:

  • The use of the judicial system for prolonged domestic violence, i.e., Judicial Terrorism®, and when an abuser becomes a Judicial Terrorist®
  • Complex Divorce Litigation – cases involving domestic violence, intimate partner violence, or coercive control.


Dr. Donna King, Esq. is available to serve as a consultant to attorneys and pro se clients on cases involving:

  • The use of the judicial system for prolonged domestic violence, i.e., Judicial Terrorism®, and when an abuser becomes a Judicial Terrorist®
  • Complex Divorce Litigation – cases involving domestic violence, intimate partner violence, or coercive control.

Contact Us

Victims’ Safe Harbor Foundation, Inc.
Email: vshf.info@gmail.com
Office: (689) 248-4162